I was trying to decide what to do with the extra pie crust I had chilling in the fridge. I figured I had already done two sweet pies in recent weeks, so it was time to use the pie crust in a savory recipe. American meat pies always seem so dry to me, but I have always loved empanadas. So, I checked out recipes on the internet. Then I created my own recipe based on a few that I read.
These empanadas are so good! I can't believe I have never made them before. Not only are they delicious, but they are super easy to make. They are definitely going to become a staple in our menu plan. The whole family enjoyed them! My daughter even helped make them. I love it when my kids help me in the kitchen.
What You Will Need:
Large Skillet
Rolling Pin
Silicone Mat
Soy Flour
Small Bowl of Water
Rack set in a Baking Sheet
Prepared Pie Crust (Posted on May 18, 2013)
1 1/2 pound Ground Beef
2 Tablespoons Dried, Minced Onions (You can use fresh if you like - 1/2 small onion diced)
2 teaspoons Cumin
1 teaspoons Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 can Tomato Sauce
In large skillet, brown ground beef. Remove ground beef from skillet, pour out fat, and return ground beef to the skillet.
Add onions, cumin, garlic powder, salt, peeper and tomato sauce. Stir to combine.
Simmer until liquid is reduced, approximately 20 minutes.
Let cool completely.
The pie crust is easiest to work with when it is cold. Cut your pie crust in four pieces, and work with one piece at a time. Keep additional pieces in the refrigerator until you are ready to work with them.
On a well floured silicone mat or clean counter top, roll out pie crust to approximately 1/4 inch thickness.
I am all about free formed empanadas. It can be difficult to roll out dough to a specific shape, and you often have extra that needs to be re-rolled. I don't like to re-roll. So, try to keep them approximately the same size, but be creative with your shapes. I cut a triangle off of the end of this one and then cut the rest of it in half.
Spoon about 1 Tablespoon of meat into the center of the dough.
Use your finger to wet the edges with the water.
Fold the crust over the meat and press the edges together. Use a flour dusted fork to crimp the edges.
Place completed empanadas on a rack set in a baking sheet.
I only had one pie crust, not the two that the pie crust recipe makes, and I was able to make 12 empanadas. I had plenty of left over meat, which I proceeded to freeze for later.
I made my empanadas in the morning, but didn't want to eat them until dinner. I covered them with plastic wrap and chilled them in the fridge until dinner time.
Just before cooking, spray the empanadas with cooking spray.
Bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes at 350° F.
They are so yummy, AND they are healthier than the fried version. Yay!! Win-win!
I served them with rice. I probably should have had a vegetable too, but I just wasn't feeling it. My husband likes them with sour cream. I dipped mine in salsa. My kids just ate them au natural. I bet they would be good with guacamole too. It really doesn't matter how you eat them, just do it. You will be happy you did.
Look at them. They are just begging you to eat them!
"Enjoy the little things in life . .. for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things!"
I love the little things. They make all the difference.

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